• Healing Crystals ~ Magical Antidotes from Womb of Mother Earth


How do Crystals Work?

Written by

Abhishek Sharma

JUNE 2022

Reiki Healer | Motivational speaker | Crystal Healer

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How do crystals work, and Is it worth buying one?


  • Introduction
  • Do crystals actually work?
  • What are crystals used for?
  • How do stones have power?
  • How do crystals work for healing?
  • Conclusion
  • Shop Healing Crystals

To begin with, crystals cannot cure an illness or make you a successful person overnight. The science behind crystals links their healing energies with placebo. While you cannot pinpoint the difference that a crystal can make, you will definitely be able to cherish their presence and experience their mystical powers in certain areas of life.

Do crystals actually work?

A human body is an intricate system of electromagnetic fields created by physical, mental and spiritual energies. A crystal has the tendency to influence these electromagnetic fields through its atomic arrangement and molecular movements due to friction and interaction with heat or light. A crystal is a reflection of your intention. It will help you manifest what you seek, but rather in organic, mysterious ways.

What are crystals used for?

Crystals have been used for centuries by warriors, priests and rulers for their ornamental value and healing properties. If you are struggling with anxiety or negative thoughts, using a crystal can give you the strength and poise to overcome your negative emotions. The science of healing crystals states that they are more powerful than thoughts and prayers. All it takes is a believer with unshakeable faith, and you’d be surprised to realize what you are capable of with a crystal in your possession.

How do stones have power?

Crystals are extracted from the earth’s crust, and they are believed to possess the earth’s healing energies that support overall wellness and bring peace to the mortals. You might have noticed a crystal on your colleague’s desk or in the tight clutches of a psychic as they communicate to the other realm. And you might ask yourself, how do healing crystals work?

Crystals help you align your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energies to manifest your intentions and what you seek from yourself, your career or relationship. A crystal is not a magic wand; rather, it’s a source of positive energies that propel you toward peace and success and away from anxiety and animosity. 

How do crystals work for healing?

Crystals have been around for centuries, used by people from different walks of life. Crystals hold a huge significance in the alternative healing practices that were prevalent across the Chinese province, ancient Roman and Greek empires and the Indian subcontinent.

Each crystal works differently. While some are used to attract wealth and prosperity, others are associated with love and harmony. And then, some crystals are used to fight negative energies and promote a positive culture and greater health.

Some examples of popular healing crystals include Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Jade and Clear Quartz, to name a few.


Do crystals actually work? The answer to this question is multifold and depends on how strong your faith is. Hopefully, this article gave you some clarity on how crystals work and how you can benefit from them. 

Nonetheless, make sure you buy your crystals from a credible source, like Healing Crystals, that offers 100% authenticity guaranteed. 

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